
Web Development

To simplify web development, developers can avoid using an actual hypervisor which can be involved. Instead developers can create profiles using a fake hypervisor.

Since testpool uses django, once the web server is running it will automatically restart when content changes. In one shell, run the testpool web server:

./bin/tpl-db runserver

In a new shell start the testpool daemon.:

./bin/tpl-daemon -vv

In a new shell, create several profiles. The following creates two profiles. The first profile uses template0 to generate two fake VMs. The second profile creates three fake VMs from template1.:

./bin/tpl profile add localhost fake profile0 template0 2
./bin/tpl profile add localhost fake profile1 template1 3

The tpl-daemon will over time generate 5 VMs in the ready state. In other words, fake VMs are transitioned from pending to reserved over a short period of time. Testpool web content showing overall VM pool statistics can be found:

To manipulate VM content, meaning reserve and release VMs, review the vm command help:

./bin/tpl vm --help

Debian Packaging

Before debian packages can be created apt-file must be installed and updated so that the python requirements.txt file can be mapped to equivalent debian package dependencies.:

sudo apt-get install apt-file
sudo apt-file update
pip install pep8>=1.7.0 pylint>=1.5.4 pytest>=2.8.3

Make sure to set EMAIL before using dch Also note that versions are incremented in the change log:

dch -U

Build Testpool debian package and install:

sudo make install